Christopher Paul Dean British, b. 1983

Repetition is the driving force of my work, not as a monotonous or mechanical task, but as a purposeful act of engagement.

- Christopher Paul Dean

Each repetition carries significance. It is not simply about completing a task but about being present, asserting a sense of place within the act of making. In this rhythmic process, I find a meditative quality that allows me to focus, to move beyond distraction, and to be fully immersed in the flow of creation. The therapeutic nature of colour and the calming effect of pattern further reinforce this sense of clarity and stillness. It is through repetition that I come to understand both the work and myself.

The theme of safety is an integral part of my practice. The colours, patterns, and
symbols commonly associated with safety serve as a visual language that taps into
universal recognition. These pre-existing, readymade colours are not arbitrary; they
function like a predefined set of variables within a system, where each component plays a role in the overall structure. In some instances, these signs are bold and overt,
framing large-scale installations created with readymade safety tape that guide the
viewer's movement. In others, safety retreats into subtle abstractions, appearing as
discreet diagonals, muted repetitions, or faint gestures-gestures that resemble
patterns in probability and randomness, where order emerges from seemingly
unpredictable variations.

Ultimately, my artwork exists as evidence of time spent, of physical and mental
alignment, and of an ongoing engagement with materials and processes. It does not
impose meaning but invites contemplation. Each piece reflects the dynamic between
structured systems and organic improvisation, certainty and variation, creating a space where repetition becomes not just a method but a way of seeing.