Books & Papers:
2008 The Symmetries of Things (with John H. Conway and Heidi Burgiel). A. K. Peters, Wellesley, MA, 2008, ISBN 1568812205
"Matching Rules and Substitution Tilings", Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol 147, Issue 1 (January 1998), pp. 181-223
"A Small Aperiodic Set of Planar Tiles" European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 20, Issue 5, (July 1999) pp. 375-384
"Compass and Straightedge in the Poincaré Disk" American Mathematical Monthly Vol. 108 (January 2001), pp. 38-49
"Can't Decide? Undecide!" Notices of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 57 (March 2010), pp. 343-356
"A strongly aperiodic set of tiles in the hyperbolic plane" Inventiones Mathematicae, Vol 159, Issue 1 (2005), pp. 119-132
Lots of Aperiodic Sets of Tiles", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol 160 (November 2018), pp. 409-445
Review of The symmetries of things, by Phil Wilson, Plus Magazine, December 1, 2008: "The book presents a whole new way of looking at patterns. The methods have been worked out so exhaustively, and the trails opened up in the book have been followed so extensively, that you almost can't believe that such a huge body of knowledge could have lain dormant for so long!"
Chaim Goodman-Strauss Archived 2019-09-01 at the Wayback Machine The College Board
Chaim Goodman-Strauss - The Mathematics Genealogy Project".
Gathering for Gardner Celebration of Mind Presenter
Chaim Goodman-Strauss: Activities at the Geometry Center University Of Minnesota
The Shape of Everyday Things by Melissa Lutz Blouin. Research News, Spring 2005
The Math Factor Podcast Website July 24, 2012
About The G4G Foundation Gathering 4 Gardner
Presenter: Chaim Goodman-Strauss Archived 2019-09-01 at the Wayback Machine Celebration of Mind
Doubly Marked Robinson Tiles Archived 2019-09-01 at the Wayback Machine Celebration of Mind
"$25K prize awarded for middle school math lesson developed by UA professor". Arkansas Online. 2022-01-10
Roberts, Siobhan (2023-03-28). "Elusive 'Einstein' Solves a Longstanding Math Problem". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331.
Smith, David; Joseph Samuel Myers; Kaplan, Craig S.; Goodman-Strauss, Chaim (2024). "An aperiodic monotile". Combinatorial Theory. 4. arXiv:2303.10798. doi:10.5070/C64163843.
Roberts, Siobhan (2023-06-01). "With a New, Improved 'Einstein,' Puzzlers Settle a Math Problem". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331.
Chaim Goodman-Strauss :: Symmetries AMS: Mathematical Imagery
Review of The symmetries of things, by Darren Glass, The Mathematical Association of America, July 10, 2008
The Math Factor Podcast Website Pictures from the Gathering