HARRY UNDERWOOD: Outdoor Worship: one man show at the WADDI

10 September - 29 October 2022

These plywood monuments render true life episodes in real colors. Fortified and analogous to the habitat of terrestrial builders.

Outdoor Worship is a collection of paintings I've worked on for the last six months while coping with my mother's illness. When I'm not painting I am playing outdoors or visiting with her. I'm very pleased that these paintings have more plants depicted in them than before. If you visit a museum you'll notice that there are people who paint horrors. I'm not one of them. I want to escape horror. If existence is a dream then let it be one. Dreams require landscapes and landscapes should have plants. I think what I'm doing will improve. I've been doing this for twenty years very independently and satisfied. 

- Harry Underwood, 2022